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Our ULC Certified Integrated Testing Coordinator verifies and documents that all interconnections between fire protection and life safety systems are functioning as required, as per the process detailed in the CAN/ULC S1001 Standard. We have extensive experience completing integrated systems testing in projects ranging from multi-unit residential buildings to healthcare complexes.

CAN/ULC S1001 Integrated Systems Testing of Life Safety Systems verifies life-safety systems (fire alarm and gas-detection systems) and all other building systems (elevators, access control, HVAC systems etc.) work together cohesively in the event of a fire or emergency situation. This includes testing communication protocols, witnessing system responses, and ensuring that integrations do not compromise the effectiveness of any individual system. This testing has been required by the BC Building Code since 2018.
Total Building Integration Testing has a specific focus on power failures and concurrent fire alarm scenarios in hospital environments. The goal is to ensure emergency power sources and critical systems provide a resilient response during catastrophic failure and emergency situations, prioritizing the safety and well-being of patients and healthcare staff.
Specific catastrophic scenarios are planned, executed and witnessed to ensure that emergency power generators and uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems respond as required and that critical building systems such as fire alarm, elevators, access control, HVAC and clinical systems come back online in the sequence required, ensuring seamless operation in the event of emergency situations.